
The sun is glinting off the silver birches

Silver trees sheltering secrets in their silent shade

The wind is frolicking

Chasing and teasing the clouds

As they draw themselves away

Struggling to retain dignity

The lake shimmers in the golden sunlight

A flutter of waves dancing across the surface, laugh

Smiling at me

Out of the quietness a loon flies across the lake

Calling, calling, calling

My heart responds and I long to stay

Forever caught up in the sunlight

In this moment, safe in your arms

Like a bee encased in sun-filled amber

From long ago

But as the wild geese fly South before winter

To warmer, softer climes

So too I long to fly

I heard the geese crying, echoing my tears

As they went southwards


Poem Written in: Pickle Lake, North-western Ontario | July 1979


The Fall


Last Summer