The Fool

The Fool is the first card of the twenty-two cards of the Greater Arcana of the Tarot, and is representative of the young, innocent person, at the beginning of life. Striding out, without fear or caution, life looks like an adventure. Ahead lies the great metamorphosis that takes place as the child grows and becomes a student, then a mature person.

This process can happen at any time in a person's life. In fact, it is almost as if life happens in plateaus and spirals and with each spiral a level is completed. Then we move on to the next level, ever growing upwards, ever adding to our experience and knowledge. This process can begin in the very young, or later in life for late bloomers.

When we follow this Way consciously, life becomes an adventure. As we learn ever more of ourselves and others, and of the process we call life, we become more and more confident as we come into our power.


The Fool

My sweet Fool

Lover of Illusion and Delusion

Twin sisters bound together 

By Fantasy

My beloved Fool

Child of Ignorance and Anarchy

Heed my voice

Behold those peaks reaching into

The World of Knowledge

Glittering in the sunlight

Snowy peaks beckoning

Shining in golden radiance

Come with me

And scale them

Behold those deep valleys

Of Experience

Lying shrouded in mists

Dim and mysterious

Luminous with pearly glow

Come with me

Find the Way through them

The thistledown is blown by the Wind

Laughing at the Sun

But the beauty of the flower is revealed

Only after the seed

Rooted in the warm earth

Committed to Life

Is transformed

My Beloved

Hear the warning

You too must turn towards the Light

Committed to the Path of Truth

Committed to the Way of Growth

And in your metamorphosis 

Sweetly blossom



The Call


The Magician