The Hierophant

The Hierophant, to me, is representative of the inner wisdom and knowledge we can gain from learning about the societies and associations, secular, religious and political, created by people. Each of these organizations has its ideology. As we mature and experience life, we can understand more and more of these different worlds, and how they resemble and interlink with each other. Human behavior is revealed. As we observe our own interaction with these worlds, we can gain knowledge of ourselves, and this leads to deeper knowledge of others. We find ourselves, and humanity, through interaction with others. We, in fact, may become The Hierophant, The Teacher.

Everyone is born into a particular world with its unique culture and worldview. As children and adolescents, we are learning the structure of our own society. A wise society designs education to shine a light into the world of others than our own. Wisdom is acknowledging that there are many different, successful ways to be human beings. We learn from history of how people lived in the past, of their struggle to become strong and survive the challenges of life. We learn of other cultures, and the wisdom passed down in the ideas of other peoples. A wise society doesn't try to brainwash its members. Rather, it opens minds by encouraging free thinking and freedom of speech. A society that truly cares for its members points individuals to the source books of original thinking, and asks them to make up their own minds as to what they think for themselves. Wisdom is supporting individuals to become ever more themselves, and contribute their talents to their society. As society accepts its members just as they are, so they, and it, can flourish, bringing a diversity that adds to the richness of the culture.

The fight between the enlightenment of learning to think rationally, and the blindness of following an ideology faithfully without question, has been going on in human societies since time immemorial. It is still going on, and it seems as if it will always go on. We each have the choice as to whether we will be rational freethinkers or emotional blind followers.

We can choose whether we want to go through the hard work of producing our true selves, or drifting through life taking it as it comes. We can remain caterpillars: or choose to enter the cocoon of our own spinning. Does the creature in the cocoon suffer pain as it labours to produce a beautiful butterfly? 


Dearest Love

The Butterfly People hover around you

Sheltering, protecting, supporting

As you take your first steps

Out into the World

Their anthem rises to the skies

Singing with the larks in the morning

Their wings fluttering in soft zephyrs around you

The Hierophant

The Hierophant sits

On the throne of Power

Power over Self, accepting Authority

Granted by others in recognition of Integrity

Red robe of Passion as Guiding Force

White undergarment of Purity of Will

Blue gown demonstrating Trust and Unconditional Love

Sitting between the two pillars

Of Liberty within Law

The Hierophant hold the Triple Sceptre

Exerting domination over matter, emotion, and mind

The right hand shows four fingers

Two point down to Earth, two point up to Heaven

A Bridge channelling power over all the worlds

Here sits the Chief Intercessor of the Eleusinian Mysteries

Teacher, Pastor, and Mentor

Ilithyia, ancient Goddess of New Life

Goddess of many names, down through the ages she labours

The Life Force of Evolution is with us

As we grow with the challenges of life

Ever renewed, as we Dance along the Spiral of Time

Two acolytes stand before the Hierophant

Clothed in Roses red and Lilies white

The union of Flesh and Spirit

Sashed in yellow, joyous in the pursuit of Wisdom and Knowledge

Between all, lie the crossed keys

Shared mystery drawing ever onwards

Dare you grasp the keys, open the door to new life?

The worlds await you

Which world will you choose

Trembling with anticipation on the Threshold?



The Moon


The Hanged Man