The Sun
Can we ride into the sunlight on our white charger, ever young at heart and spirit, as shown in The Sun, card 19
Innocent as a little child, you come
Spontaneous and flexible, with a natural simplicity
Crowned with the yellow flowers of happiness and joy
Promise of the Future and Every-changing Life
Exciting, exhilarating, and fascinating
Rebirth into a world ever-renewing
Ever-engaging, ever-growing
The white brick Wall of Protection behind you
The building blocks of Determination and Victory
Defense against Immaturity
Sunflowers dance in the breeze
Symbols of creativity, fertility and harvest
The orange banner of Freedom flows beside you
As you find Self
Behind all hangs the Sun
Twenty-four rays containing the Greater Arcana
Ever-present energy permeating everything
Lighting the Path to Maturity
Sovereign over Self and the World
You ride the white horse of connectivity
Into Eternity